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PKCE for Social Sign-in and B2B SSO

Ory Identities supports the PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) extension to the OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 protocol during social sign-in flows.

In most cases, you don't have to do anything to enable PKCE. If the social sign-in provider advertises support for PKCE, Ory Identities will automatically configure itself to use it.

In the case of the generic OIDC provider, simply specify an Issuer URL in the configuration as usual to perform automatic configuration.

Retrieve the current configuration:

ory get identity-config --project $PROJECT_ID --format yaml > identity-config.yaml

Find the OIDC seciont in the identity-config.yaml file and add the pkce option:

# ...
enabled: true
- id: generic
provider: generic # or another provider
issuer_url: # must be set to enable automatic configuration
pkce: auto # default: perform PKCE if the provider advertises support for it
# ... other configuration options
# ...

Save the file, and apply the configuration:

ory update identity-config --project $PROJECT_ID --file identity-config.yaml

Forcing PKCE

There may be OIDC providers which support PKCE but don't advertise it. If you want to force Ory Identities to use PKCE anyway, configure the provider with the pkce option set to force:

Retrieve the current configuration:

ory get identity-config --project $PROJECT_ID --format yaml > identity-config.yaml

Find the OIDC section in the identity-config.yaml file and add the pkce option:

# ...
enabled: true
- id: generic
provider: generic # or another provider
pkce: force # forces PKCE support, skips automatic configuration
# ... other configuration options

Save the file, and apply the configuration:

ory update identity-config --project $PROJECT_ID --file identity-config.yaml

If you set pkce: force, you must whitelist a different redirect URL with the OIDC provider: Instead of https://<slug><provider-id>, use https://<slug> Note the missing provider ID and no trailing slash. Use this second URL also if you force a B2B SSO provider to use PKCE.

Disabling PKCE

If for any reason you want to disable PKCE completely, set pkce to never.

Retrieve the current configuration:

ory get identity-config --project $PROJECT_ID --format yaml > identity-config.yaml

Find the OIDC secion in the identity-config.yaml file and add the pkce option:

# ...
enabled: true
- id: generic
provider: generic # or another provider
pkce: never # do not perform PKCE even if the provider advertises support for it.
# ... other configuration options
# ...

Save the file, and apply the configuration:

ory update identity-config --project $PROJECT_ID --file identity-config.yaml